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Windows Binaries for Python Extension Packages

A complete list of windows libraries for python

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Unofficial Windows Binaries for Python Extension Packages

This page provides 32- and 64-bit Windows binaries of many scientific open-source extension packages for the official CPython distribution of the Python programming language.
The files are unofficial (meaning: informal, unrecognized, personal, unsupported) and made available for testing and evaluation purposes.
If downloads fail reload this page, enable JavaScript, disable download managers, disable proxies, clear cache, and use Firefox. Please only download files as needed.
Most binaries are built from source code found on PyPI or in the projects public revision control systems. Source code changes, if any, have been submitted to the project maintainers or are included in the packages.
Refer to the documentation of the individual packages for license restrictions and dependencies.
Many binaries depend on Numpy-MKL 1.7 and/or the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 (64 bit or 32 bit, for CPython 2.6 to 3.2) or Visual C++ 2010 (64 bit or 32 bit, for CPython 3.3 and 3.4) redistributable packages.
The binaries are compatible with the official CPython distribution on Windows >=6.0. Chances are they don't work with custom Python distributions included with Blender, Maya, ArcGIS, OSGeo4W, Cygwin, Pythonxy, Canopy, EPD, Anaconda, WinPython etc. Some binaries are not compatible with Windows XP or Wine.
The installers are ZIP or 7z files, which allows for manual or scripted repackaging or installation of the content.
The files are provided "as is" without warranty or support of any kind. The entire risk as to the quality and performance is with you.

  1. Index by date:
  2. twainmodule
  3. libsvm
  4. slycot
  5. sparsesvd
  6. scientificpython
  7. mercurial
  8. sphinx
  9. h5py
  10. python-snappy
  11. sympy
  12. sqlalchemy
  13. openimageio
  14. psycopg
  15. pillow
  16. scipy
  17. cellcognition
  18. pyalembic
  19. vigra
  20. setuptools
  21. pygit2
  22. imread
  23. matplotlib
  24. pygame
  25. pymol
  26. requests
  27. biopython
  28. vlfd
  29. pyopencl
  30. meshpy
  31. pycuda
  32. pythonmagick
  33. libsbml
  34. enaml
  35. atom
  36. boost.python
  37. gdal
  38. curses
  39. regex
  40. gmpy
  41. veusz
  42. pyfits
  43. gevent
  44. pyeda
  45. pyzmq
  46. psutil
  47. liblinear
  48. ipython
  49. pyyaml
  50. pywin32
  51. bitarray
  52. pyserial
  53. pyodbc
  54. pyicu
  55. pycosat
  56. mako
  57. pycluster
  58. pyaudio
  59. mahotas
  60. greenlet
  61. fastcluster
  62. tornado
  63. pygments
  64. jinja2
  65. markupsafe
  66. scikit-image
  67. simplejson
  68. pytools
  69. pytz
  70. python-dateutil
  71. pyparsing
  72. pycairo
  73. numexpr
  74. pymssql
  75. netcdf4
  76. msgpack
  77. lxml
  78. cython
  79. cffi
  80. videocapture
  81. six
  82. numpy
  83. nose
  84. sfepy
  85. astropy
  86. py2exe
  87. bokeh
  88. numba
  89. llvmmath
  90. llvmpy
  91. line_profiler
  92. twisted
  93. simpleitk
  94. thrift
  95. django
  96. opencv
  97. orange
  98. bio_formats
  99. jcc
  100. pystemmer
  101. vispy
  102. qimage2ndarray
  103. javabridge
  104. blender-mathutils
  105. scikits.umfpack
  106. fonttools
  107. visvis
  108. cx_freeze
  109. pylibdeconv
  110. pymc
  111. mysql-python
  112. marisa-trie
  113. la
  114. spyder
  115. htseq
  116. blaze
  117. dynd
  118. scipy-stack
  119. pymongo
  120. pycurl
  121. coverage
  122. pycifrw
  123. fipy
  124. rpy2
  125. pyfftw
  126. ta-lib
  127. kwant
  128. tinyarray
  129. pyshp
  130. steps
  131. pythonnet
  132. fiona
  133. shapely
  134. cartopy
  135. carray
  136. dipy
  137. bottleneck
  138. pyside
  139. vitables
  140. lmfit
  141. pgmagick
  142. pytables
  143. cvxopt
  144. pymutt
  145. assimulo
  146. pyspharm
  147. pysparse
  148. nipy
  149. scikit-learn
  150. patsy
  151. basemap
  152. mpi4py
  153. statsmodels
  154. kivy
  155. pip
  156. virtualenv
  157. networkx
  158. bazaar
  159. docutils
  160. pygraphviz
  161. pycparser
  162. quantlib
  163. babel
  164. pyamg
  165. pandas
  166. pyopengl
  167. pyopengl-accelerate
  168. vtk
  169. guiqwt
  170. pyproj
  171. python-ldap
  172. milk
  173. lp_solve
  174. ujson
  175. umysql
  176. scikits.samplerate
  177. scikits.scattpy
  178. scikits.hydroclimpy
  179. scikits.vectorplot
  180. scikits.delaunay
  181. scikits.odes
  182. pydde
  183. ffnet
  184. blosc
  185. autopy
  186. libxml-python
  187. pyusb-ftdi
  188. nipype
  189. pysfml
  190. scons
  191. pyqwt
  192. mxbase
  193. mmlib
  194. pyrxp
  195. bsdiff4
  196. qutip
  197. cellprofiler
  198. reportlab
  199. pyreadline
  200. ets
  201. casuarius
  202. meta
  203. faulthandler
  204. py-fcm
  205. liblas
  206. polymode
  207. noise
  208. vpython
  209. scikits.audiolab
  210. python-igraph
  211. zope.interface
  212. cgkit
  213. pymca
  214. nibabel
  215. py-postgresql
  216. pyamf
  217. planar
  218. holopy
  219. pyvisa
  220. polygon
  221. pyropes
  222. llist
  223. libpython
  224. epydoc
  225. cheetah
  226. pybluez
  227. pywcs
  228. python-sundials
  229. pymix
  230. pyminuit
  231. pylzma
  232. openexr
  233. pyhdf
  234. pyqt
  235. dpmix
  236. smc.freeimage
  237. ode
  238. aspell_python
  239. pywavelets
  240. pyhook
  241. pymvpa
  242. cld
  243. mod_wsgi
  244. nltk
  245. python-levenshtein
  246. rtree
  247. mdp
  248. natgrid
  249. pycogent
  250. jsonlib
  251. silvercity
  252. console
  253. python-cjson
  254. cdecimal
  255. pytst
  256. sendkeys
  257. ceodbc
  258. pyephem
  259. blist
  260. pydbg
  261. pyglet
  262. python-lzo
  263. delny
  264. pyexiv2
  265. ilastik
  266. scitools
  267. nitime
  268. pylibtiff
  269. mmtk
  270. pysqlite
  271. nlopt
  272. trfit
  273. oursql
  274. re2
  275. cgal-python
  276. pymedia
  277. pyfftw3
  278. pyfltk
  279. pymex
  280. pymatlab
  281. zodb3
  282. pygtk
  283. scikits.ann
  284. numeric
  285. pulp
  286. nmoldyn
  287. iocbio
  288. jpype
  289. wxpython
  290. pybox2d
  291. mmseg
  292. pynifti
  293. scikits.timeseries
  294. quickfix
  295. numscons
  296. visionegg

Other useful packages and applications not currently available on this page

  • AIDA implements the Adaptive Image Deconvolution Algorithm.
  • Alglib is a cross-platform numerical analysis and data processing library.
  • BALLView is a molecular modeling and visualization application.
  • Bento is a pythonic packaging solution for Python software.
  • Bigfloat, arbitrary precision correctly-rounded floating point arithmetic, via MPFR.
  • Biogeme performs estimation of discrete choice models.
  • BioImageXD is software for analysis and visualization of multidimensional biomedical images.
  • CasADi implements automatic differentiation in forward and adjoint modes.
  • CellH5 is an HDF5 data format for cell-based assays in high-throughput microscopy.
  • CGAL-bindings are bindings for the Computational Geometry Algorithms Library.
  • Coloc_utils computes colocalization coefficients from confocal images.
  • DeVIDE is a dataflow application builder for the rapid prototyping of medical visualization and image processing techniques.
  • EMAN2 is a greyscale scientific image processing suite with a focus on transmission electron microscopy. Supports many image formats.
  • FARSIGHT is a toolkit for microscopy image analysis based using Bio-Formats.
  • Gexiv2 is a GObject-based wrapper around the exiv2 library for image metadata.
  • GHMM, the General Hidden Markov Model library.
  • Glumpy, fast OpenGL numpy visualization.
  • Graph-tool is an efficient module for manipulation and statistical analysis of graphs.
  • Iris is a library for analysing and visualising meteorological and oceanographic data sets.
  • ITK, the Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit, is a software system for image analysis.
  • Libtfr calculates multi-taper windowed and time-frequency reassignment spectrograms. Requires Numpy-MKL.
  • M2Crypto is a complete wrapper for OpenSSL. Requires OpenSSL binaries.
  • Mantid is a framework that supports high-performance computing and visualization of scientific data.
  • MathGL is a library for scientific data visualization.
  • mMass is an mass spectrometry tool.
  • MMCorePy allows to control microscope hardware via Micro-Manager.
  • Msim, superresolution fluorescence microscopy of multicellular organisms.
  • Ncrypt is yet another OpenSSL wrapper.
  • Nodebox-GL is a library for generating 2D animations.
  • OpenGLContext is a testing and learning environment for PyOpenGL.
  • OpenKinect provides access to the Xbox Kinect device. Requires LibUSB 1.2.6.
  • OpenMDAO is a Multidisciplinary Design Analysis and Optimization (MDAO) framework.
  • OpenPIV is a package for Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV).
  • OpenSlide reads whole-slide images, high resolution images exceeding RAM sizes.
  • Panda3D is a framework for 3D rendering and game development.
  • ParticleStats performs analysis of intracellular particle motility and cytoskeletal polarity.
  • Peak_detection implements the Gaussian peak detection described in Segré et al.
  • PolyVox is a library for the storage and processing of volumetric environments.
  • Priithon is a platform for image analysis and algorithm development. Includes HIS, SDT, SIF, and SPE file readers.
  • PsychoPy, software for psychology and neuroscience.
  • Py-bcrypt is a wrapper of OpenBSD's Blowfish password hashing code.
  • PyAudiere is a high-level audio interface using the Audiere sound library.
  • pyCGNS provides an interface to the CGNS/SIDS data model.
  • PyCorrFit is a versatile tool for FCS data analysis.
  • PyCrypto provides cryptographic modules.
  • PyDSTool is a dynamical systems modeling, simulation and analysis environment.
  • Pyffmpeg is a wrapper for FFmpeg, a solution to record, convert and stream audio and video.
  • PyGreSQL interfaces to a PostgreSQL database.
  • Pygrib is a module for reading GRIB meteorological files.
  • PyGSL provides an interface for the GNU Scientific Library (gsl).
  • PyGst, bindings for the GStreamer multimedia framework.
  • Pykit is a backend compiler for high-level typed code.
  • PyME, the Python Microscopy Environment, provides image acquisition and data analysis functionality for widefield microscopy applications.
  • Pyo is a digital signal processing module.
  • PyODE is a set of bindings for the Open Dynamics Engine.
  • pyOpenSSL is an interface to the OpenSSL library. Requires OpenSSL binaries.
  • Pysam is a module for reading and manipulating SAM nucleotide sequence alignment files.
  • Pysifreader reads Andor SIF multi-channel image files.
  • PySUNDIALS provides bindings for the SUNDIALS suite of solvers.
  • PySVN interfaces the Subversion version control system.
  • Python-Ogre is an interface to the Ogre 3D graphics library.
  • Pythonisosurfaces, a marching cubes iso-surface implementation.
  • PythonOCC is a 3D CAD/CAE/PLM development framework.
  • RootPy provides an interface with the ROOT data analysis framework on top of PyROOT.
  • Sherpa is a modeling and fitting application.
  • SimpleCV is a framework for building computer vision applications.
  • SLOTH tracks stick-like objects with high resolution. Includes a Nikon ND2 reader.
  • SpacePy tools for the space science community.
  • Stdic computes a deformation function between images (image registration).
  • STScI_python provides a general astronomical data analysis infrastructure.
  • Theano is an optimizing compiler for evaluating mathematical expressions.
  • VIPS is an image processing library with no image size limits.
  • Yt, astrophysical simulation analysis and visualization.

Build Environment

  1. Libraries (built from source):
  2. Alembic
  3. AMD
  4. ANN
  5. Aspell
  6. AVbin
  7. BerkeleyDB
  8. BLAS
  9. Blosc
  10. Boost
  11. Box2D
  12. bsd-xdr
  13. bzip2
  14. C-ares
  15. Cairo
  16. Cassowary
  17. CFitsIO
  18. CGAL
  19. EasyBMP
  20. Expat
  21. FFTW
  22. FLAC
  23. FLANN
  24. FLTK
  25. Freeglut
  26. FreeImage
  27. FreeTDS
  28. FreeType
  29. FreeXL
  30. GDAL
  31. GEOS
  32. GeoTIFF
  33. GLEW
  34. GLUT
  35. GraphicsMagick
  36. Graphviz
  37. GSL
  38. HDF4
  39. HDF5
  40. iconv
  41. ICU
  42. igraph
  43. ImageMagick
  44. ITK
  45. JasPer
  46. Jxrlib
  47. Kerberos
  48. KissFFT
  49. Klib
  50. LAME
  51. LAPACK
  52. LEMON
  53. lib3ds
  54. libcurl
  55. libevent
  56. Libffi
  57. libgit2
  58. Libidn
  59. libjpeg
  60. libjpeg-turbo
  62. liblzma
  63. libmng
  64. libpng
  65. LibRaw
  66. libsamplerate
  67. libSBML
  68. libspatialindex
  69. LIBSVM
  70. LibTIFF
  71. libusb
  72. Libxml2
  73. Libxslt
  74. Little CMS
  75. LLVM
  76. lp_solve
  77. LZMA
  78. LZO
  79. Mesa
  80. Minizip
  81. MPC
  82. MPEG_Encode
  83. MPFR
  84. MPIR
  85. MUMPS
  86. MySQL Connector/C
  87. NetCDF
  88. Netpbm
  89. ODE
  90. Ogg
  91. OpenAL
  92. OpenColorIO
  93. OpenCV
  94. OpenEXR
  95. OpenImageIO
  96. OpenJPEG
  97. OpenLDAP
  98. OpenMPI
  99. OpenNI
  100. OpenPGM
  101. OpenSSL
  102. PDCurses
  103. Pixman
  104. PortAudio
  105. PortMidi
  106. PROJ.4
  107. Pthreads-w32
  108. Qhull
  109. Qt
  110. QuickFIX
  111. RE2
  112. SASL
  113. SDL
  114. SDL_gfx
  115. SDL_image
  116. SDL_mixer
  117. SDL_ttf
  118. SFML2
  119. SLICOT
  120. Smpeg
  121. Snappy
  122. sparsehash
  124. SQLite
  125. SuiteSparse
  127. SuperLU
  128. SZip
  129. TCL/TK
  130. UMFPACK
  131. Vorbis
  132. VTK
  133. WebP
  134. wxWidgets
  135. Xerces
  136. YAML
  137. ZeroMQ
  138. zlib
  1. SDKs and libraries:
  2. Apache HTTP Server
  3. Bio-Formats
  4. ESRI File Geodatabase API
  5. GTK2
  6. Intel Integrated Performance Primitives
  7. Intel Math Kernel Library
  8. Intel SDK for OpenCL Applications 2013
  9. Intel Threading Building Blocks
  10. libsndfile
  11. MATLAB(tm)
  12. Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2010)
  13. Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 R2
  14. Microsoft SQL Server
  15. Microsoft Windows SDK v6.1 Windows Server 2008 and .NET Framework 3.5
  16. Microsoft Windows SDK v7.0 for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1
  17. Microsoft Windows SDK v7.1 for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 4
  18. MySQL Server Community Edition
  19. NVidia CG Toolkit
  20. NVidia CUDA Toolkit
  21. Oracle Java SE Development Kit 7
  22. PostgreSQL Server
  23. Python
  24. R
  1. Compilers:
  2. Intel Composer XE 2013 SP1
  3. Lazarus
  4. Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 R2
  5. Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Feature Pack
  6. Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
  7. Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Pro
  8. Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Pro
  9. MinGW
  10. MinGW-w64
  11. NASM
  12. Rtools
  13. Yasm
  1. Build tools:
  2. ActivePerl
  3. Bazaar
  4. Bento
  5. BJam
  6. CMake
  7. CVS
  8. Cygwin
  9. Cython
  10. deoxygen
  11. Epydoc
  12. Git
  13. JCC
  14. Jom
  15. M4
  16. Mercurial
  17. MSYS
  18. Nose
  19. NSIS
  20. PyPy
  21. Python
  22. SCons
  23. SIP
  24. Sphinx
  25. Subversion
  26. SWIG
  27. Waf
  1. Other software:
  2. 7-Zip
  3. com0com
  4. Dependency Walker
  5. GhostScript
  6. GnuWin32
  7. Info-ZIP
  8. Inkscape
  9. MEncoder
  10. MiKTeX
  11. Notepad++
  12. Pandoc
  13. PTVS
  14. Redis
  15. Spyder
  16. Sysinternals Suite
  17. Ubuntu
  18. Windows 8.1
  19. WingIDE
  20. WinMerge
  1. Other CPython distributions:
  2. ActivePython
  3. Anaconda
  4. EPD
  5. Python(x,y)
  6. Pyzo
  7. WinPython


  1. how can i get matplotlib for my python 3.6.3.exe 64 bit on windows 7


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北美 加州 草坪维护 草黄了怎么办

当今中国有句顺口溜, 叫做:穷的时候种稻, 富的时候种草。我虽然 不富,但也种了几年的 草。我对种草其实懂得 不多,虽自学不辍,但 终未成才。不过到底种 了几年的草,心得和体 会总是有的。现在把我 的心得体会写出来,希 望对房前屋后有块小草 坪的朋友们,不管是穷 还是富,都有些帮助。 草地上的草,都属于禾 本科(Grass Family),与竹 子、水稻、小麦、甘蔗 和狗尾巴花是同一个科 的植物。从个体的数量 和分布的范围来讲,禾 本科植物应该是植物界 最大的科了。草本的禾 本科植物通常有两种生 长的形态,一种叫蓬草 (bunch grass),一种叫 坪草(sod grass)。用来做 草坪的草,当然都是坪 草 。坪草的物种和品种很 多,不同地区不同气候 条件种的草不一样,但 也有一些共性。一般来 说,当地商店里买的草 籽(grass seeds)和草皮( sod),都是比较适 合当地的自然条件的。 一.维护和保养草坪必 做的四件事情 1.割草。定期割草, 不仅能使草坪美观,而 且也可防止或减缓坪草 从营养生长到生殖生长 的过渡。营养生长就是 长叶子,生殖生长就是 开花结籽。很多人都知 道,春天的时候有一段 时间不割草,草就开花 结籽了。大家也见过, 边边角角割不到草的地 方,那里的草就会开花 结籽。 2.浇水。对北美大部 分地区来说,春秋天时 可视情况少浇水甚至不 浇水。草地最需要浇水 的时候是夏天,因为夏 天最热最干,水分蒸发 快。至于浇水要多频繁 ,那就看你想草地是保 绿,还是保命。如果想 保绿,那草地每星期得 有一英寸的水量。除非 有自动浇水系统,浇水 是很费时间的,也费钱 。我只想我的草地保命 ,所以我的草地夏天基 本不浇水,只在特别容 易干死的草地或在特别 干旱的年份浇点水。所 以到8-9月份的时候 ,我的草地就黄黄的了 ,有些难看。不过,一 场秋雨来,草地依旧绿 。 3.施肥。草地的肥料 应以氮素为主,钾素得 有一点,但磷的含量可 以很低。我用的最多的 草坪肥料是30-0- 4。现在有一种运动, 推崇不含磷素的草地肥 料,因为磷素施用过多 ,会引起水体(如湖泊 ,池塘)的富营养化。 施肥的话,还是得买个 撒肥机(spread er/broadca ster),手持的或 手推的型号都行,当地 商店都有卖的。没有撒 肥机,肥料会撒得很不 均匀。 4.杂草...


一个伪吃货在湾区的checklist 来源: 徐聪的日志 海鲜: Boiling Crab (San Jose), Joe's Crab Shack (San Francisco) , Tomi Sushi & Seafood Buffet(San Jose), Tatami Sushi & Seafood Buffet(Cupertino) 番外:Pier 39  的大螃蟹  (San Francisco) Boiling Crab的螃蟹从来都是酒香不怕巷子深,关键在于它家的酱绝对不会让人想起它 是一家西餐馆。它家的龙虾也是一绝,当然一旦点了龙虾还打算吃饱的话人均基本在40 刀以上。它家在San Jose有两家分店,如果想避免排长队的话推荐周末中午11点50点以 前(12点开门)去101高速边上那家,屡试不爽。 Joe's Crab Shack是一家全美连锁的海鲜餐馆,一锅端 (Steampot) 的吃法很有特色。 Tomi Sushi & Seafood Bufferz中文名叫涛味,排在Tatami之前的原因是它家的口味比 较偏中餐,龙虾膏蟹做的不错(不是每天都有)。最近中午去过一次,东西很少,不推 荐中午去(虽然价格便宜一些)。 Tatami跟南加著名的Todai都是差不多的日式海鲜自助,生鱼片比较新鲜,不过没有 Todai每小时限量的烤龙虾尾。 渔人码头的螃蟹主要的砝码是价格,但跟Boling Crab一比也不见得能便宜多少。有一 家摊位上面写着“我们通晓国、粤、英语”,每次都会去。 川菜: 御食园(San Francisco),金饭碗(Berkeley), 红翻天(Foster City), 吃香喝 辣(Newark), 老赵川菜(Mountain View), 鹿鸣春(Berkeley), 福恩园( Menlo Park),麻辣诱惑(Fremont), 巴山蜀水(Milpitas) , 福恩园(San  Mateo), 大四川(Palo Alto), 麻辣诱惑(San Jose), 山城私房菜(Milpitas ),麻辣帝国(San Mateo) 川菜的菜品基本都是那几样,就不单独推荐了。 排名第一的Z&Y我觉得就不用...

California life 新手的湾区 购房 全攻略 (转)

原帖在华人网,感觉写得太全面了,本人非房黑房托,只做技术性讨论,欢迎发表意见 第一阶段:全面了解 去年12月12号的时候,我正好怀孕37周,冒着风险跨东西海岸大搬家到了Bay。刚下飞 机的时候正好下着雨,但是一点也不冷,反而很舒服。来到LG租的apartment,还是吃 惊了一小下,因为从Atlanta rent $750 每月 1000sqft的1bed1bath搬到 $1700每月 1000sgft的2bed2bath,这个落差还是比较强烈滴。。。 不过呢,既来之则安之,我立马投入了100%的热情开始shopping,布置这个临时的新家 来迎接宝宝的出生。要知道在37周之前,我连最基本的crib都没准备,更不用说其他的 了。然后就是宝宝出生,出了月子我开始努力换工作,接下来去新公司上班,等到一切 稳定下来,大概是4月份的样子,我打算开始做买房的初步了解了。。。 首先就是找agent了,一般就是靠熟人推荐。我找的agent优点很明显,经验很丰富,很 热情,很耐心,不push,缺点也很明显,就是不太愿承担责任,她会很小心的提供涉及 到关键问题的建议,就怕给你产生误导。这样也不是不好,但是对于我们这样没有经验 的新手来说,从agent那里拿到的答案总是模棱两可的,我们就很难做出判断。但是 buyer和agent其实就是一个team,买房就是一个teamwork,在这个过程中,通过一次次 的沟通,最终我们还是磨合好了。整个过程下来,很难说我们对agent是不是满意,但 是只要帮助买到了满意的房子,那就应该是一个好的agent。 4月份和agent初步聊过后,我们当时给出的dream house的条件和大多数刚刚从东部, 中西部农村搬来bay的同学基本上是一样的: 1。 SFH,房子要大,1700sqft以上,越新越好,最好2层的。 (atlanta 基本配置都 是这样的阿。。。) 2。 院子小点没关系  (在atlanta见过的朋友家的院子都是草坪,就没有精心收拾过 的,所以那个时候对后院完全没有概念。。。) 3。 学区中等就行,小学800+。(小孩才刚出生,到上学还早呢,如果到时候来不及换 房子,那就上私立好了。。。) 4。 commute 30-40分钟都可以。 (在atlanta我们还经常开车1个小时去吃饭呢,高速 30分钟也...